Thursday, July 19, 2012

Experiences in Searching Potential Companies for UBS MSU CSR Project.

To do this project on my own is a very difficult task, but I believe I can do it. I chose to do this project alone because it will be easier for me to manage my time and have my own opinions regarding the project. Also, I wish to master this UBS system as a preparation for my practical and also work in the future.

So far, I have tried to approach a few companies, but the companies refuse to give out information because it is private and confidential. They are afraid that by exposing their information to public, competitors will have an advantage against them.

Although the task to search for a company is very difficult, it is actually good for students. It requires students to communicate with people outside of campus. Students' knowledge and communication will automatically improve through this project.

I will be visiting a few other companies next week. I hope to get a potential company as soon as possible, so that i can start on the project.

UBS Skills That I Have Learned Until Now (10/7/2012)

Until now, I have learned various skills on how to use UBS system. In class, we have learned a lot of skills, and I am eager to learn more about the UBS system.

To summarize what I have learned in class, I now know how to create new company data, update information of the company, add new chart of accounts, and enter new batches, insert transactions (using quick entry and add entry), edit transactions (using variance edit), add debtors and creditors, backup and restore company file, and view various types of reports. These were the basic skills that we learned up until now.

In the UBS Work Book, we have already covered Lesson 1, and also its experiments. Lesson 1 did not cover all of the skills mentioned above. We are currently covering Lesson 2, which requires us to insert debtors and creditors into the UBS system.

Due to technical difficulties, I could not upload print screen photos of the UBS accounting system. I will upload them very soon.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System (DAC2104) Mini Blogging Project

For my 1st post, I would like to talk about Accounting Information System (AIS) generally and what I have learned in class and lab for the first few weeks. AIS is a system of records a business keeps to maintain its accounting system. A system is a set of interrelated functions in order to achieve a specific objective. A combination of subsystems which are put together create a system.

There are many roles of accountants in AIS; as a user of the system, as a designer for the program, as the implementor of the system, as auditors, and also as owners of the program.

In the lab class, I am learning how to use the UBS accounting software. In the first 2 weeks, i have learned how to create new company data, update company profile, add charts of accounts, enter batches, record transactions and edit transactions using the software.

I am looking forward to learn more about the UBS software, as I find it interesting. Although it is difficult to use, it eases the accountants' work to record transactions. One must have knowledge about the software in order to use it.

I think this mini blogging project is a good idea. It requires students to recall what they have learnt in class, and have them explain it in their own words. In a way, it helps students to remember what they have been taught in class.

The Accounting Information System (DAC2104) Disclaimer

This blogging mini project is part of creative and innovative teaching under Accounting & information System (DAC2104).

All posts made by the owner of this blog is solely for the purpose of discussion and academic learning only and to fulfill the requirement of mini project Accounting & Information System (DAC2104).

This is a pioneer mini project for Accounting & Information System (DAC2104) and any advantages or disadvantages occurred will be taken into consideration for improvement in the future.